Toy, Hobby, & Games

  • Breezy Singers

    The six Breezy Singers birds come pre-packaged with the display.
    Breezy Singers
  • Nintendo Acrylic Counter Display

    Acrylic counter display foils thieves by anchoring the electronic game to its base. Another display, for twin-screened games, hooks behind the counter.
    Nintendo Acrylic Counter Display
  • Akklaim Countertop SuperPlay Display

    Countertop SuperPlay display uses two trays; floorstand uses four trays atop a base. Same header appears above both.
    Akklaim Countertop SuperPlay Display
  • Play-Doh Products Permanent Display

    Play-Doh products' permanent display has adjustable shelving and changeable header card, allowing each Child World store to tailor product mix to its needs.
    Play-Doh Products Permanent Display
  • Disney Castle

    To develop a display that would be clearly identified with Disney, easily set up, project the quality image of both Disney and the Golden line, demonstrate a wide breadth of product, and hold sufficient inventory to satisfy demand.
    Disney Castle
  • East Haddam Kites Display

    Wire rack carousel holds about 125 of the company's colorful kites, air foils and other types of flying "machines."
    East Haddam Kites Display
  • Carmen Sandiego Display

    The mysterious "Carmen Sandiego" is slinking her way, P-O-P style, through computer software stores around the country, selling copies of the most recent computer game featuring her dastardly deeds.
    Carmen Sandiego Display
  • Jigsaw Puzzles Display

    Pallet load displays of Western Publishing Co.'s puzzles, this one containing 408 puzzles of 1,000 pieces each, are especially suited to chain retailers.
  • Lego Dangler

    Toy stores have been stocking the DUPLO, a large-size adaptation of the famous LEGO brick, in either the construction toys' section or the pre-school section, but not in both.